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The hstore extension

Manage key-value pairs in Postgres using hstore

The hstore extension is a flexible way to store and manipulate sets of key-value pairs within a single Postgres value. It is particularly useful for semi-structured data or data that does not have a rigid schema.

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This guide covers the basics of the hstore extension - how to enable it, how to store and query key-value pairs, and perform operations on hstore data with examples. hstore is valuable in scenarios where schema-less data needs to be stored efficiently, such as in configurations, application settings, or any situation where the data structure may evolve over time.


hstore is an open-source extension for Postgres that can be installed on any compatible Postgres instance. Detailed installation instructions and compatibility information can be found at PostgreSQL Extensions.

Version availability

Please refer to the list of all extensions available in Neon for up-to-date information.

Currently, Neon uses version 1.8 of the hstore extension for all Postgres versions.

Enable the hstore extension

Enable the extension by running the following SQL statement in your Postgres client:


For information about using the Neon SQL Editor, see Query with Neon's SQL Editor. For information about using the psql client with Neon, see Connect with psql.

Example usage

Creating a table with hstore column

Consider a table that stores the product catalog for an electronics shop. Each product has a name and a set of attributes that describe it. The attributes for each product are not fixed and may change over time. This makes hstore a good choice for storing this data.

CREATE TABLE product (
   name VARCHAR(255),
   attributes HSTORE

Inserting data

Inserting data into an hstore column is done by providing a string containing key-value pairs into the column.

INSERT INTO product (name, attributes)
    ('Desktop', 'brand => HP, price => 900, processor => "Intel Core i5", storage => "1TB HDD"'),
    ('Tablet', 'brand => Apple, price => 500, os => iOS, screen_size => 10.5'),
    ('Smartwatch', 'brand => Garmin, price => 250, water_resistant => true, battery_life => "7 days"'),
    ('Camera', 'brand => Nikon, price => 1200, megapixels => 24, video_resolution => "4K"'),
    ('Laptop', 'brand => Dell, price => 1200, screen_size => 15.6'),
    ('Smartphone', 'brand => Samsung, price => 800, os => Android'),
    ('Headphones', 'brand => Sony, price => 150, wireless => true, color => "Black"');

hstore stores both keys and values for each record as strings (values can be nulls). For numeric attributes like price and megapixels, they are cast to strings when inserted into the table.

Querying hstore data

hstore columns can be referenced as regular columns in a query. To access the attributes in an hstore column, we use the -> operator.

For example, to retrieve the name and brand for all products with price less than 1000, we can run the following query:

SELECT name, attributes->'brand' AS brand
FROM product
WHERE (attributes->'price')::INT < 1000;

Since the price attribute is stored as a string, we need to cast it to an integer before comparing it to 1000. This query returns the following:

| name       | brand   |
| Desktop    | HP      |
| Tablet     | Apple   |
| Smartwatch | Garmin  |
| Smartphone | Samsung |
| Headphones | Sony    |

Operators for hstore data

hstore offers a variety of operators for manipulating and querying key-value pairs. We go over some examples below.

Check if a key exists

The ? operator is used to check if an hstore contains a specific key.

SELECT id, name 
FROM product
WHERE attributes ? 'os';

This query returns the following:

| id | name       |
| 2  | Tablet     |
| 6  | Smartphone |

Check if an hstore contains another hstore

The @> operator is used to check if the hstore on the left contains the right operand. For example, the query below looks for products that have a brand attribute of Apple.

SELECT id, name
FROM product
WHERE attributes @> 'brand => "Apple"';

This query returns the following:

| id | name   |
| 2  | Tablet |

Concatenating two hstore values

The || operator is used to concatenate two hstore values. For example, the query below updates the attributes for the product with name Laptop.

UPDATE product
SET attributes = attributes || 'weight => 2.5'
WHERE name = 'Laptop' AND attributes -> 'brand' = 'Dell';

To verify, we can run the query below.

SELECT id, name, attributes -> 'weight' AS weight
FROM product
WHERE name = 'Laptop' AND attributes -> 'brand' = 'Dell';

This query returns the following:

| id | name   | weight |
|  5 | Laptop | 2.5    |

Check if a hstore contains any of the specified keys

The ?| operator is used to check if an hstore contains any of the keys specified in the right operand. For example, the query below returns all products that have either a screen_size or megapixels attribute.

SELECT id, name
FROM product
WHERE attributes ?| ARRAY['screen_size', 'megapixels'];

This query returns the following:

| id | name   |
| 2  | Tablet |
| 4  | Camera |
| 5  | Laptop |

Hstore functions

The hstore extension also adds functions to manipulate the hstore data. We go over some examples below.

Retrieve all keys

The akeys function returns an array of all the keys in an hstore value. For example, the query below returns all the keys for Dell laptop products.

SELECT id, name, akeys(attributes) AS keys
FROM product
WHERE name = 'Laptop' AND attributes -> 'brand' = 'Dell';

This query returns the following:

| id | name   | keys                             |
| 1  | Laptop | {brand,price,weight,screen_size} |

Convert hstore to JSON

The hstore_to_json function converts an hstore value to JSON. For example, the query below converts the attributes column to JSON for all products with a brand attribute of Apple.

SELECT hstore_to_json(attributes) AS attributes
FROM product
WHERE attributes -> 'brand' = 'Apple';

Extract all keys and values

The each function returns the set of key-value pairs for an hstore value. For example, the query below returns each attribute of the Nikon Camera as a separate row.

SELECT id, (each(attributes)).*
FROM product
WHERE name = 'Camera' AND attributes -> 'brand' = 'Nikon';

This query returns the following:

| id | key              | value |
| 1  | brand            | Nikon |
| 2  | price            | 1200  |
| 3  | megapixels       | 24    |
| 4  | video_resolution | 4K    |

Comparing hstore with JSON

The hstore and JSON data types can be both used to store semi-structured data. Hstore has a flat data model — both keys and values must be strings. This makes it more efficient for simple key-value data.

In constrast, JSON supports a variety of data types, and can also store nested data structures. This makes it more flexible, but trades off some performance.

Indexing and performance

Indexing can improve the performance of queries involving hstore data, particularly for large datasets.

Hstore supports the regular btree and hash indexes. However, this is only useful for equality comparisons of the entire hstore value, since these indexes have no knowledge of its substructure.

CREATE INDEX btree_idx_attributes ON product USING hash (attributes);

For queries that involve key-level filtering, like the @> or the ? operators, the GIN and GIST indexes are more useful. The indexes can be created as shown in this example:

CREATE INDEX gin_idx_attributes ON product USING gin (attributes);


The hstore extension offers a powerful and flexible way to handle semi-structured data in Postgres. This guide provides an overview of using hstore, including creating records and querying on its attributes. It also covers some of the common operators and functions available for hstore data.


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